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Sections G: General purpose processes

Forward model inversion

Inversion methods

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
G.MI1.001 Analytical inversion -- -- This method is used when the solution of the model inversion is well-defined and the model parameters of interest can be calculated analytically.
Forward model (M.GF1.001),
Static model parameters (Q.AI1.001),
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)]
[Model parameters (Q.OP1.001)]
G.MI1.002 Optimization Model fitting -- Inversion of a forward model by iteratively adjusting the set of model parameters in order to minimize a similarity measure between the data and the model.
Optimizer (select from optimizers)
[Estimated model parameters (Q.OP1.003)]
G.MI1.003 Deconvolution -- -- Method which can be used when a model is given as a convolution \(h(x) = f(x) \ast g(x)\) with known \(h(x)\) and \(f(x)\) to determine \(g(x)\).
Deconvolution method (select from deconvolution methods)
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)] = [g(x), x]
G.MI1.999 Method not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a method of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --



Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
G.OP1.001 Levenberg-Marquardt -- LM An algorithm that interpolates between the Gauss-Newton algorithm and the method of gradient descent.
Cost function (select from cost functions),
Initial model parameters (Q.OP1.006)
Model parameter lower bounds (Q.OP1.007),
Model parameter upper bounds (Q.OP1.008),
Data weights (Q.OP1.009),
Maximum number of iterations (Q.OP1.010),
Convergence threshold (Q.OP1.011)
Estimated model parameters (Q.OP1.003),
Cost value minimum (Q.OP1.005)
G.OP1.999 Method not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a method of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --

Cost functions

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
G.OP2.001 Non-linear least squares -- NLLS \(\lVert f(\phi, \theta; x) - y(x) \rVert_{2}^{2}\) , where \(f\) is a forward model describing the data, \(x\) is the data grid, \(y(x)\) is the measured data and \(\lVert \rVert_2\) is the L2-norm. The forward model is non-linear in the model parameters.
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)],
Forward model (M.GF1.001),
\(\phi\) (Q.OP1.001),
\(\theta\) (Q.OP1.002)
Cost value (Q.OP1.004)
G.OP2.002 Linear least squares -- LLS \(\lVert A\phi - y(x) \rVert_2^2\) , where \(x\) is the data grid, \(y(x)\) is the measured data and \(\lVert \rVert_2\) is the L2-norm.
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)],
\(\phi\) (Q.OP1.001),
A (Q.OP1.012)
Cost value (Q.OP1.004)
G.OP2.003 Standard-Form Tikhonov -- SFT \(\lVert A\phi - y(x) \rVert_2^2 + \lambda^2 \lVert Ix \rVert_2\) , where \(x\) is the data grid, \(y(x)\) is the measured data , \(\lVert \rVert_2\) is the L2-norm and \(L\) is the identity matrix (same dimensions as \(A\)).
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)],
\(\phi\) (Q.OP1.001),
A (Q.OP1.012),
\(\lambda\) (Q.OP1.013)
Cost value (Q.OP1.004)
G.OP2.004 Generalized cross validation -- GCV \(\frac{\lVert A\phi_\lambda - y(x) \rVert_2^2}{trace\left( I-AA_\lambda^\zeta \right)^2}\),
where \(x\) is the data grid, \(y(x)\) is the measured data, \(\lVert \rVert_2\) is the L2-norm, \(I\) is the identity matrix of the same dimensions as \(A\), \(\phi_\lambda\) is the solution of the matrix equation obtained from the SVD for a certain regularization parameter \(\lambda\) and \(A^\zeta_\lambda\) is defined by the relationship \(\phi_\lambda=A_{\lambda}^{\zeta}y(x)\).
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)],
\(\phi\) (Q.OP1.001),
A (Q.OP1.012),
\(\lambda\) (Q.OP1.013)
Cost value (Q.OP1.004)
G.OP2.005 L-curve -- LC \(\frac{\hat{\rho^\prime}\hat{\eta^{\prime\prime}} - \hat{\rho^{\prime\prime}}\hat{\eta^\prime}}{\left( (\hat{\eta^\prime})^2 + (\hat{\rho^\prime})^2 \right)^{3/2}}\), where \(\phi_\lambda\) is the solution of the matrix equation obtained from the SVD for a certain regularization parameter \(\lambda\),
\(\rho(\lambda) = \lVert A\phi_\lambda - y(x) \rVert_2\) and
\(\eta(\lambda) = \lVert \phi_\lambda \rVert_2\), \(\hat{\rho} = ln(\rho)\), \(\hat{\eta} = ln(\eta)\) and \(\prime\) and \(\prime\prime\) are the derivatives with respect to \(\lambda\).
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)],
\(\phi\) (Q.OP1.001),
A (Q.OP1.012),
\(\lambda\) (Q.OP1.013)
Cost value (Q.OP1.004)
G.OP2.999 Method not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a method of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --

Regularization parameter

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
G.OP3.001 Fixed -- -- A fixed value of \(\lambda\) , rather than a determined value is assumed.
\(\lambda_{fixed}\) (Q.OP1.015)
\(\lambda\) (Q.OP1.013)
G.OP3.002 Generalized Cross Validation -- GCV \(\lambda\) is determined by minimizing the generalized cross validation cost function with respect to \(\lambda\).
Optimizer (select from optimizers) with a GCV cost function (G.OP2.004) and \(\phi\) (Q.OP1.001) = \(\lambda\)(Q.OP1.013)
G.OP3.003 L-Curve criterion -- LCC \(\lambda\) is determined by minimizing the L-curve cost function with respect to \(\lambda\).
Optimizer (select from optimizers) with a L-curve cost function (G.OP2.005) and \(\phi\) (Q.OP1.001) = \(\lambda\)(Q.OP1.013).
G.OP3.999 Method not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a method of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --


Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
G.DE1.001 Discretization method -- -- Method to transfer continuous models, functions and equations into discrete counterparts. Select from Discretization methods. --
G.DE1.002 Regularization method -- -- Method to control an excessively fluctuating function such that the coefficients do not take extreme values. This is done by adding an additional penalty term in the cost function. Select a regularized cost function from Cost functions. --
G.DE1.999 Method not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a method of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --

Deconvolution methods

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
G.DE2.001 Singular Value Decomposition -- SVD Algebraic deconvolution of \(h(x) = f(x) \ast g(x)\) with \(f(x)\) and \(h(x)\) sampled at discrete points \([f(x), x]\) and \([g(x), x]\). The convolution equation is discretized according to a given discretization method and the resulting matrix equation is solved as a regularized least-squares problem with a given regularization method.
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)] = [f(x), x],
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)] = [g(x), x],
Discretization method (select from discretization methods ),
Regularization method
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)] = [g(x), x]
G.DE2.999 Method not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a method of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --

Discretization methods

In this group, the following notation is assumed for all functions \(f\): \(f_n = f(x_n)\), \(g_i^- = (2g_i + g_{i-1})/6\), \(g_i^+ = (2g_i + g_{i+1})/6\) and \(g_i^\pm = g_i^+ + g_i^-\).

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
G.DI1.001 Numerical convolution (first order) -- -- Convolutions
\(f(x)=g(x) \ast h(x)\)
are calculated as
\(f_n = \Delta x\cdot \sum_{i=0}^{n} (g_i\cdot h_{n-i})\)
G.DI1.002 Block-circulant -- -- Convolutions
\(f(x)=g(x) \ast h(x)\)
are calculated as
\(f_n = \Delta x\cdot(g_0h_n+g_1h_{n-1}+...+g_Nh_{n-N})\) .
This requires \(h_i\) to be pre-padded with N zeros such that \(h_{i < 0} = 0\).
Wu 2004
G.DI1.003 Volterra linear -- -- Convolutions
\(f(x)=g(x) \ast h(x)\)
are calculated as
\(f_n = \Delta x\cdot (h_0g_n^+ +\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}h_{n-i}g_i^{\pm}+h_ng_0^+)\)
Sourbron 2003
G.DI1.004 Singular -- -- Convolutions
\(f(x)=g(x) \ast h(x)\)
are calculated as
\(f_n = \Delta x\cdot(\sum_{i=-\infty }^{+\infty }h_{n-i}g_i^\pm )\).
It is assumed that \(g_i^\pm = 0\) for \(i < 0\) and there is an index \(k\) such that \(h_n = 0\) for \(n <- k\).
Ostergaard 1996
G.DI1.005 Hybrid -- -- Convolutions
\(f(x)=g(x) \ast h(x)\)
are calculated as
\(f_n = \frac{\Delta x}{2}\cdot(\sum_{i=-\infty }^{+\infty}h_{n-i}(g_{i-1}+g_i))\).
Willats 2006
G.DI1.006 Exponential convolution -- -- Convolutions
\(f(x)=g(x) \ast h(x)\)
are calculated as
\(f_{i+1}=e^{-x_i}f_i+g_iE_0(x_i)+a_i^\prime TE_1(x_i)\)
with \(x_i=\frac{t_{i+1}-t_i}{T}; a'_i=\frac{a_{i+1}-a}{t_{i+1}-t_i};\ E_0(x) = 1-e^{-x};\ E_1(x)=x-E_0(x)\).
Flouri 2016
G.DI1.999 Method not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a method of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --

Curve descriptive processes

General processes applied to a given data set, e.g. processes to derive descriptive quantities are defined in this group.

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
G.CD1.001 Calculate value at data grid point -- Calc \(f(x_i)\) This process returns the data value \(f(x_i)\) at the data grid point \(x_i\).
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)],
i (Q.GE1.003)
\(f(x_i)\) (Q.CD1.001)
G.CD1.002 Calculate maximum of data -- Calc \(f_{max}\) This process returns the maximum data value \(f_{max}\) .
Data (Q.GE1.002)
\(f_{max}\) (Q.CD1.002)
G.CD1.003 Calculate data grid point of maximum data value -- Calc \(x_{max}\) This process returns the data grid point at which the maximum of a given data set occurs.
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)]
\(x_{max}\) (Q.CD1.003)
G.CD1.004 Calculate minimum of data -- Calc \(f_{min}\) This process returns the minimum data value \(f_{min}\) .
Data (Q.GE1.002)
\(f_{min}\) (Q.CD1.004)
G.CD1.005 Calculate data grid point of minimum data value -- Calc \(x_{min}\) This process returns the data grid point at which the minimum of a given data set occurs.
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)]
\(x_{min}\) (Q.CD1.005)
G.CD1.006 Calculate value of final data point -- Calc \(f_{fin}\) This process returns the value of the data at the final data grid point.
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)]
\(f_{fin}\) (Q.CD1.006)
G.CD1.007 Calculate final data grid point -- Calc \(x_{fin}\) This process returns the last data grid point of a given data grid.
Data grid (Q.GE1.001)
\(x_{fin}\) (Q.CD1.007)
G.CD1.008 Calculate maximum deviation from baseline -- Calc \(\Delta f_{BL,max}\) This process returns the maximum absolute deviation of a given data set and baseline.
Data (Q.GE1.002),
Baseline value (Q.BL1.001)
\(\Delta f_{BL,max}\) (Q.CD1.008)
G.CD1.009 Derivative at data grid point -- Calc \(\frac{df(x_i)}{dx}\) This process returns the value of the derivative of a given data set at the data grid point xi.
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)],
i (Q.GE1.003)
\(\frac{df(x_i)}{dx}\) (Q.CD1.009)
G.CD1.010 Calculate time to peak -- Calc \(TTP\) This process returns the time to peak for a given bolus arrival time and data grid point of maximum value.
\(x_{max}\) (Q.CD1.003),
\(BAT\) (Q.BA1.001)
\(TTP\) (Q.CD1.010)
G.CD1.011 Calculate wash-in slope -- Calc \(WIS\) This process returns the wash-in-slope for a given baseline, maximum value and time to peak of a data set.
\(f_{max}\) (Q.CD1.002),
\(f_BL\) (Q.BL1.001),
\(TTP\) (Q.CD1.010)
Output :
\(WIS\) (Q.CD1.011)
G.CD1.012 Calculate wash-out slope -- Calc \(WOS\) This process returns the wash-out-slope for a given maximum value, final data value and the data grid points of the maximum and final data value of a data set.
\(f_{max}\) (Q.CD1.002),
\(f_{fin}\) (Q.CD1.006),
\(x_{max}\) (Q.CD1.003),
\(x_{fin}\) (Q.CD1.007)
\(WOS\) (Q.CD1.012)
G.CD1.013 Calculate area under curve -- Calc \(AUC_{x_{start}, x_{end}}\) This process returns the integral of data on a data grid in between a range of data grid points \(x_{start}\) and \(x_{end}\).
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)],
[\(x_{start}\) (Q.GE1.013), \(x_{end}\) (Q.GE1.014)]
\(AUC_{x_{start}, x_{end}}\) (Q.CD1.013)
G.CD1.999 Method not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a method of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --


Processes related to segmentation are listed in this section.

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
G.SE1.001 Create binary mask -- -- This process creates a binary segmentation mask on a given data set using a specified segmentation method.
Data (Q.GE1.002),
Segmentation method (select from segmentation methods)
Binary mask (Q.SE1.001)
G.SE1.002 Apply binary mask -- -- This process masks a given data set with a given mask.
Data (Q.GE1.002),
Binary mask (Q.SE1.001)
Data (Q.GE1.002)
G.SE1.999 Method not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a method of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --

Segmentation methods

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
G.SE2.001 Freehand -- -- Manual freehand drawing of contours.
Data (Q.GE1.002)
Binary mask (Q.SE1.001)
G.SE2.002 Threshold -- -- This method selects all input data with values in a specified range between lower and upper threshold.
Data (Q.GE1.002),
Lower threshold (Q.GE1.010),
Upper threshold (Q.GE1.011)
Binary mask (Q.SE1.001)
G.SE2.003 Region growing -- -- This method grows a region from selected seeds with values between the lower and upper value threshold in the neighborhood of the seeds.
Data (Q.GE1.002),
Seeds (Q.SE1.004),
Lower threshold (Q.GE1.010),
Upper threshold (Q.GE1.011)
Binary mask (Q.SE1.001)
G.SE2.004 K-means clustering -- -- This method partitions the input data in a number of clusters using the K-means clustering algorithm and selects the cluster with the ith index as binary mask.
Data (Q.GE1.002),
Number of K-Means clusters (Q.SE1.005),
i (Q.GE1.003)
Binary mask (Q.SE1.001)
G.SE2.999 Method not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a method of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --

Uncertainty estimation

This section is currently work in progress

Uncertainty estimation and statistics processes

Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
G.US1.001 Calculate arithmetic mean (sample) -- Calc \(\bar{x}\) This process returns the arithmetic mean from a given data sample.
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)],
\(n\) (Q.GE1.015)
\(\bar{x}\) (Q.US1.001)
G.US1.002 Calculate geometric mean (sample) -- Calc \(\bar{x}_{geom}\) This process returns the geometric mean from a given data sample.
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)],
\(n\) (Q.GE1.015)
\(\bar{x}_{geom}\) (Q.US1.002)
G.US1.003 Calculate variance (sample) -- Calc \(s^2\) This process returns the variance from a given data sample.
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)],
\(n\) (Q.GE1.015)
\(s^2\) (Q.US1.003)
G.US1.004 Calculate standard deviation (sample) -- Calc \(s\) This process returns the standard deviation from a given data sample.
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)],
\(n\) (Q.GE1.015)
\(s\) (Q.US1.004)
G.US1.005 Calculate median value (sample) -- Calc \(x_{median}\) This process returns the median from a given data sample.
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)],
\(x_{median}\) (Q.US1.005)
G.US1.006 Calculate coefficient of variation (sample) -- Calc \(CV\) This process returns the coefficient of variation from a given data sample.
\(s\) (Q.US1.004),
\(\bar{x}\) (Q.US1.001)
CV (Q.US1.006)
G.US1.007 Calculate standard error -- Calc \(SEM\) This process returns the standard error of the mean value (sample) from a given data sample.
\(\bar{x}\) (Q.US1.001),
\(n\) (Q.GE1.015)
SEM (Q.US1.008)
G.US1.008 Calculate range -- Calc \(r\) This process returns the range from a given data sample.
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)]
\(r\) (Q.US1.013)
G.US1.009 Calculate interquartile range -- Calc \(IQR\) This process returns the interquartile range from a given data sample.
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)]
\(IQR\) (Q.US1.014)
G.US1.010 Calculate \(\gamma\)-quantile -- Calc \(f_\gamma\) This process returns the gamma-quantile from a given data sample and a given gamma-quantile value.
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)],
\(\gamma\) (Q.US1.015)
\(f_\gamma\) (Q.US1.016)
G.US1.011 Calculate percentile range -- Calc \(PR\) This process returns the percentile range from a given data sample and two given gamma-quantile values.
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)],
\(\gamma_1\) (Q.US1.015)
\(\gamma_2\) (Q.US1.015)
\(PR\) (Q.US1.017)
G.US1.012 Calculate confidence interval -- Calc \(CI\) This process returns the confidence interval from a given data sample for a given confidence interval probability.
[Data (Q.GE1.002), Data grid (Q.GE1.001)],
SEM (Q.US1.008)
\(df\) (Q.US1.025)
\(\alpha\) (Q.US1.018)
\(CI\) (Q.US1.019)
G.US1.013 Calculate signal to noise ratio -- Calc \(SNR\) This process returns the signal to noise ratio.
\(s\) (Q.US1.004),
\(\bar{x}\) (Q.US1.001)
\(SNR\) (Q.US1.020)
G.US1.014 Calculate contrast to noise ratio -- Calc \(SNR\) This process returns the contrast to noise ratio. --
-- -- -- -- The lexicon needs to be updated on google docs! --
G.US.999 Method not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a method of interest is not listed. Please state the doi of a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --


Code OSIPI name Alternative names Notation Description Reference
G.AV1.001 Calculate Average -- CalcAverage This process returns the average of input data according to a specified averaging method.
Data (Q.GE1.002), Averaging method (select from uncertainty estimation and statistics processes) e.g. Calc \(\bar{x}\) (G.US1.001)
Data (Q.GE1.002)
G.AV1.999 Method not listed -- -- This is a custom free-text item, which can be used if a method of interest is not listed. Please state a literature reference and request the item to be added to the lexicon for future usage. --